Today is Ash Wednesday. According to the Christian faith, today is the first day of Lent occurring six-and-a-half weeks before Easter. Christians attend Mass and religious leaders draw the sign of a cross with ashes onto their foreheads.
‘Ash Wednesday was officially used in 1099 by Pope Urban II. At first, it was called “The Beginning of Fasting”. The ashes used on Ash Wednesday are from the palm branches used on last year’s Palm Sunday which symbolizes the victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ashes are used as an external sign to symbolize the inner repentance of our hearts as is the gray color, which is the color of repentance and hope. Being smeared with ashes is a sign of inner repentance that we do that purifies us and cleanses us from all evil.
These ashes are smeared on the forehead, just like on the day of baptism when one is anointed with the Holy Oil, believed to remove one from original sin and all its punishments, with the sign of the cross, the symbol of victory with which one is redeemed. However, the ashes remind us to repent and confess the sins we committed after baptism.
Every Christian aged 14 and over should fast from eating meat (Good Friday) and those over 21 should fast from food on Ash Wednesday.
During Lent, believers should purify themselves more by praying, fasting, repentance and practicing good deeds.
Lent is a time for believers to take refuge and cling to God’s mercy that heals and forgives sins. It is a time of prayer, love and fasting.