Tanzania opposition leaders arrested over World youth day gatherings

Hundreds of youths, including senior officials from the Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema), have been arrested and detained by police, sparking tension as the party planned to celebrate International Youth Day.

Those arrested are Chadema’s National Vice Chairman Tundu Lissu, Secretary-General, John Mnyika, and the Nyasa Zone Chairman, Joseph Mbilinyi.


The party’s Director of Protocol, Communications, and Foreign Affairs, John Mrema said that police officers in Mbeya, including the Regional Police Commander (RPC) and Regional Crime Officer (RCO), visited the Chadema Nyasa Zone offices in the region around 8 pm as they sought to interrogate the leaders for the party’s youth wing, Bavicha.

A group of Chadema Youth in Police Custody. photo courtesy

The international youth day is normally commemorated on 12th Aug worldwide and Chadema had planned for the same celebration in Mbeya Town.

Those sought after for interrogations by the police included the Bavicha Vice Chairperson, Mr Moza Ally, and the youth wing National Secretary, Mr. Twaha Mwaipaya.



“The police had previously stated that the Chadema youth activities had signs of threatening public peace. After discussions, it was agreed that only the Bavicha leaders would go with the police for questioning. However, the police unexpectedly changed their stance and arrested everyone present at the office,” he said.


A group of Chadema Youth in Police Custody. photo courtesy

The detainees were reportedly taken to Utengule Police Station in Mbalizi, Mbeya, a significant distance from where they were initially arrested.

In a statement, Chadema condemned the restrictions placed on their members en route to Mbeya to mark International Youth Day on August 12th.


“The Registrar’s directive to the police, based on baseless predictions, is the reason for the arrest and prohibition of youth nationwide traveling to Mbeya to celebrate their day,” part of the statement reads.



Chadema’s statement criticized the police for charging youth with severe, fabricated crimes, such as human trafficking, citing incidents at the Mikese Police Station in Morogoro as evidence of the force’s tendency to frame people.


“By 6 pm., over 281 youth were reportedly held at various police stations, including Temeke (11), Mbeya (10), Iringa Central Station (104), Migori Ismani (35), Makambako (74), and Mikese Morogoro (48),” reads another part of the statement.

The police force has surrounded the Chadema office in Nyasa region with firearms


Chadema’s National Chairman, Freeman Mbowe condemned the police action for arbitrarily arresting party officials and members

, “We strongly condemn the police for arresting our top party leaders, including Bavicha leaders. We demand the immediate, unconditional release of our leaders, members, and supporters arrested across the country.”

Earlier, 20 Coaster buses carrying members of Chadema’s youth wing were reportedly stopped by police while traveling to Mbeya for the Youths’ Day celebrations.