Nairobi Hospital Management Refutes Strike Reports; Claims Smooth Operations

The Nairobi Hospital management has assured the public that operations are continuing smoothly and urged stakeholders to ignore reports of a strike.
“We would like to assure the general public that our operations are going on smoothly,…We urge our partners and stakeholders to ignore reports going round in sections of the media about an impending strike by our doctors. We are grateful for your support,” the hospital said on X.
Nairobi Hospital Doctors issue a strike notice
This follows after doctors at the hospital issued a notice stating that they will stop admitting new patients due to a governance crisis.
“The general public is therefore notified that there will be no more new admissions in the Nairobi Hospital,” the notice by the Admitting Staff Association reads in part.
The doctors are demanding the resignation of the entire board of management.
However the doctors have emphasized that they will continue to attend to patients already admitted, as well as emergency cases.