Godbless Lema, the former Arusha town MP, and prominent voice within the opposition party CHADEMA has publicly thrown his weight behind Tundu Lissu’s chairmanship bid. Lema has been a long-time close ally of CHADEMA Chairman Freeman Mbowe.
Chadema is conducting the party’s national election today, 21st Jan 2025, with all eyes on the chairmanship race.
This bold endorsement has ignited intense debate and speculation about the future of CHADEMA after the election.
For years, Freeman Mbowe has been a dominant force in CHADEMA, steering the party through turbulent political waters and consolidating its position as the primary opposition to the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM).
However, Lema’s decision to back the former Singida East MP and presidential candidate has cast serious doubt on Mbowe’s ability to secure another term at the helm.
Mbowe has been the party chairman for over 20 years. 1,328 delegates will cast their votes today.
Of those, 792 are from constituency levels, 124 from districts, 68 regional districts, 30 party regions, 99 council members, and 15 from Central Committees. They will all elect the Chairman and two Vice Chairpersons of the Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar.