At least nine dead, one injured, after a construction site incident

At least nine dead, one injured, after a construction site incident at about noon on Thursday horrifying scenes of dismembered bodies of workers that recently completed work at a building that is soon to be run as a hostel for university students, left Kenyans in utter shock, in Kenya’s Kilimani area located in the capital, Nairobi. Witnesses at the construction site say some workers trying to dismember a crane at the Qwetu premises, were seen trying to hold on to their dear lives as the crane suddenly lost balance and began to crumble.
The witnesses who watched in shock, claim at least two Chinese nationals and
some 7 other persons among them Kenyans died in the incident. Other witnesses
who watched from nearby buildings say they heard a loud bang, and later only witnessed lifeless bodies lying around the crane.
Scene at the incident

A young man, who says he lost his brother in the incident, could hardly express himself, as he wept over the death of his kin, whom he described as the family’s bread winner.

“His numbers (mobile numbers) three of them are not on, for my brother, three numbers they are not on,” he said on Thursday.

E-Plus ambulances operating under the Kenya Red Cross Society, said through its twitter account, that it had successfully evacuated a casualty to the country’s Nairobi Womens’ Hospital.

What has angered many Kenyans, who watched as emergency services from the Kenya Red Cross Society carry out evacuation efforts, was the fact that the country’s government Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) personnel arrived almost three hours late. Many of them accused the NMS of having a reputation of arriving at a scene hours late, leaving the lives of persons caught in incidences at a great life risk.

Mwanzo TV’s attempts to get a comment on the incident from Security officials at the scene were futile as none was willing to speak to our team. Security officials have however cordoned off the site.