The Case for Change, Why CHADEMA’s Leadership Must Evolve
The Lissu-Heche ticket is pivotal in seeking to bring about real and fundamental change and a shake-up to the political scene as they are both considered reformists
The Lissu-Heche ticket is pivotal in seeking to bring about real and fundamental change and a shake-up to the political scene as they are both considered reformists
Mgombea wa tatu ni Charles Odero, ambaye wachambuzi wa siasa wanahoji hana nafasi kamwe ya kuwa mwenyekiti.
Kabogo has called on responsible use of social media, amid online criticisms of President William Ruto’s administration.
Rais Samia alisema, Dkt Mpango alimwandikia barua kutaka kujiuzulu ili akapumzike.
Wafungwa wote “waliachiliwa kutoka gereza la Ofer na kituo cha kizuizini cha Jerusalem”,
The truck carrying 60,000 litres (nearly 16,000 gallons) of gasoline exploded after flipping over on a road in the centre of the country on Saturday, authorities said.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Waziri Mkuu wa Israeli, amesema kuwa maafisa wa serikali yake wameafikiana kuhusu mpango wa kusitisha mapigano Gaza na kuachiliwa kwa mateka licha ya mivutano iliyoshuhudiwa dakika za mwisho.
Mawaziri wapya Mutahi Kagwe, Lee Kinyanjui na William Kabogo Ijumaa wameapishwa kuanza kazi, saa chache baada ya kuidhinishwa na Bunge…
President Yoweri Museveni, 80, will already have been in power for 40 years when the election takes place on January 12, 2026.
Katika hatua muhimu kwenye mgogoro wa muda mrefu wa Gaza, Israel na kundi la Hamas wamefikia makubaliano ya kihistoria ya kusitisha mapigano, yaliosimamiwa na Qatar.