The Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO) is organizing peaceful demonstrations today to protest against what they describe as deliberate discrimination and exclusion of clinical officers from the Social Health Insurance Authority (SHA).

They are also protesting the non-implementation of the Return to Work Formula (RTWF) of 2024, delayed posting of interns, and issues related to the absorption and payment of gratuity for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) staff.
The implementation of the Return to Work Formula (RTWF) of 2024 involves several key components aimed at addressing the concerns of healthcare workers, particularly doctors, and ensuring their fair treatment and working conditions. Here are the main aspects:
The RTWF aims to ensure timely posting of medical interns, pay outstanding basic salary arrears, harmonize salary scales, provide comprehensive medical cover, promote qualified members, avoid victimization of doctors participating in strikes, and coordinate with county governments to ensure the implementation of the RTWF, including salary harmonization and agreed-upon terms. It also offers enhanced medical coverage, replaces the existing National Health Insurance Fund scheme, and promotes qualified members.
The RTWF was signed between the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) and the government following a nationwide strike by doctors.
The KUCO’s demands aim to ensure that clinical officers receive the recognition and fair treatment they deserve, ultimately benefiting the healthcare system as a whole as per the CBA, signed in 2017.
The union has been vocal about these concerns and is seeking immediate action from the government to resolve these issues.