Chadema: No Amount of Threats, Intimidations Will Stop us!

Tanzania’s main opposition party Chadema has strongly condemned the government for brutalizing, torturing, and imprisoning their National Leaders.

Chadema Leaders, including the national chairman, Freeman Mbowe, Secretary General John Mnyika, and Vice Chairman Tundu Lisuu, have today painfully detailed how they were arrested, and tortured by the police force while organizing a meeting to celebrate International Youth Day on August 12. 2024, at Ruanda Nzovwe stadium in Mbeya Town.

In a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, Chadema said they are instituting legal suit against the Deputy Registrar of Political Parties, Sisti  Nyahoza, and the Commissioner of the Police Force, Awadh Haji, for outlawing the Youth celebration  against the law and leading the attacks against their  leaders respectively

‘’ We have instructed our legal team led by Vice Chairman Tundu Lissu to institute a legal suit against the two persecutors, Mr Awadhi Hajj and Sisti Nyahoza, for their action of torturing and inflicting life-threatening injuries to our members’’ said Mbowe.

Mbowe added that they would not be cowed by any amount of threats by the CCM brigades to relent in their quest for a just Tanzania

‘’ We are warning CCM that should you still election this time round, this county will not be safe’’ said Mbowe.



According to Chadema, Joseph Mbilinyi Alias Sugu, the Chadema chairman of Nyasa Region, is currently fighting for his life in a Dar es Salam Hospital after being seriously attacked by police on Monday as he was planning to attend Bavicha rally in Mbeya.

In a statement, the US Embassy in Tanzania condemned the attack against Mr. Sugu.

‘’I have spoken with my friend Sugu who is recovering from injuries sustained while he was simply seeking to exercise his democratic rights.  The beating he endured while detained is completely unacceptable.  I condemn this brutal attack and urge the government of Tanzania to uphold its constitution and ensure an open political space where all voices are free to participate’’ Said Mr Micheal Battle, The US ambassador to Tanzania