Tanzania Police Bans Youth Political Gathering

In the planned Political rally by the Alliance for Change and Transparency, the Police Force has banned the ACT Wazalendo Party. ACT Wazalendo had planned to hold a political gathering in the Ushetu Kahama and  Kisemvule Mkuranga areas on 12th August to mark Youth International Day.

According to police later all Political gatherings and internal meetings have been prohibited.

However, the ACT Wazalendo Secretary General Ado Shaibu noted that they will not honor the Police Force’s ban on the public meetings of the ACT Wazalendo Youth wing in Dar es Salaam. Mr. Ado Shaibu has vowed to lead youth meetings to celebrate International Youth Day.

A similar gathering by the Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) youth wing at Ruanda Nzovwe has been banned. The police force has Condoned off the stadium. Several Chadema officials including party Leaders, Freeman Mbowe and Tundu Lissu have been arrested. Hundreds of youths have also been arrested.