Chombo cha kumsaidia mtu kujitoa uhai huenda kikaanza kuuzwa Switzerland
Kwa kubofya kitufe, chombo hicho hujaa gesi ya nitrojeni, ambayo hupunguza viwango vya oksijeni kwa haraka, na kusababisha mtumiaji wake kupoteza fahamu ndani ya dakika moja,
Kwa kubofya kitufe, chombo hicho hujaa gesi ya nitrojeni, ambayo hupunguza viwango vya oksijeni kwa haraka, na kusababisha mtumiaji wake kupoteza fahamu ndani ya dakika moja,
Kupanda kwake hadi nambari ya kwanza kunatokana na nguvu ya sarafu ya Israeli shekel dhidi ya dola
“I’ve decided to leave Twitter because I believe the company is ready to move on from its founders,” Dorsey said in a statement Monday.
Ethiopia’s once rapidly growing economy is taking another hit tied to its yearlong war, with global clothing manufacturer PVH Corp.
Mark Zuckerberg, aliyeanzisha Facebook mwaka wa 2004, alitangaza Alhamis jina jipya la Facebook
eNaira has the same value as the physical naira.
The two have signed instruments of cooperation on Health, Tourism, Diplomatic Training, among others.
“I created TRUTH Social and TMTG to stand up to the tyranny of Big Tech”
The visit is meant to help solidify bilateral relations.
COMESA is calling on consumers to return the products.