The Africa Climate Summit (2023) kicked off in Nairobi on Monday, September 4, 2023.
The inaugural Africa Climate Summit is organized by the African Union Commission (AUC) in collaboration with the Republic of Kenya, which is the host government. It is the first ever summit to be held in Nairobi, and the first in Africa.
The theme of the summit is “Driving Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World”.
What is it about?
The summit serves as a platform to showcase progress, exchange perspectives, and converge on common priorities for global discussions (including UNGA, G20, World Bank Group (WBG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) annual meetings, COP28 and beyond).
Call to Action
The summit is a call to action by African Union Member States and supporting partners to champion its delivery. It seeks to launch a new ambition for Africa and invite partnerships with the rest of the world.
What is its Objective?
It will provide an opportunity for an African Leaders Nairobi Declaration on Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions, and for a Call to Action for African Union Member States and supporting partners to champion its delivery.
How will this help Africa combat climate change challenges?
The summit will enable African countries to define detailed plans, shape their associated tools and investments, inform and push for reforms of the international financial architecture, share innovation, knowledge, experience, and practical approaches to deepen and expand understanding of climate challenges and opportunities.
Impact for Africa
As a result of the ACS, Africa will renew its vision and become more assertive in pursuing a climate and development agenda through a unified approach.
Expected Outputs
i. African Leaders Nairobi Declaration on a Green Growth and Climate Finance Agenda and Solutions for Africa and the World;
ii. Pathway to a new global financial deal that includes “at scale” and fit for purpose financing instruments/products to serve specific growth goals;
iii. Investment commitments, including showcasing multi-billion dollar worth of green investment deals on the continent across all thematic sectors of the summit;
iv. Announcements on tangible progress on ongoing major continent-wide/ global initiatives, and new partnerships/ initiatives; and
v. Roadmap for implementation of key declarations.
The ACS23 will be attended by twenty-three heads of State and government, including United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, global leaders, development partners, civil society organizations, researchers, academia and relevant stakeholders, among others. Collectively the summit will host more than 20,000 delegates from 136 countries.
President Ruto’s stand
President Ruto, who has been very vocal in his advocacy for a more inclusive climate action, is personally at the helm of the move to host the inaugural ACS 23 in Nairobi, Kenya.
He is the current chairperson of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change.