Elon Musk no longer joining Twitter board
Musk was named to join the Twitter board after buying a major stake in the firm and becoming its largest shareholder.
Musk was named to join the Twitter board after buying a major stake in the firm and becoming its largest shareholder.
Kampuni ya BioNTech iliyoko Mainz ilisema ilipata faida ya jumla ya euro bilioni 10.3 (dola bilioni 11.5) mwaka jana, kutoka euro milioni 15 mnamo 2020
“We’re always thinking about new ways to bring value to our community and enrich the TikTok experience. Last year, we introduced longer videos, giving our community more time to create and be entertained on TikTok,”
“We all know the challenges that Kenya and the entire continent of Africa went through in the earlier stages of this pandemic that resulted in Africa being left behind. Not because of want but because of lack and Moderna has come to fill that space,”
The news comes after Intel and Airbnb announced they were pausing business in Russia and Belarus on Thursday, joining the tech freeze-out of Moscow.
“I think, by the end of March, we’re going to be fully operational — at least within the United States,”
“In the mid- to long-term, the best way to address health emergencies and reach universal health coverage is to significantly increase the capacity of all regions to manufacture the health products they need,”
“This is now the third report of a cure in this setting, and the first in a woman living with HIV.
Sony has launched a new line of Cheerios-shaped wireless headphones for people who want to be able to hear the world around them while listening to music or podcasts.
The suit alleged the social media giant violated privacy guidelines by tracking its users’ visits to outside web pages that contained Facebook “like” buttons in order to better target ads.