Wachimbaji wadogo kutengewa maeneo maalum Tanzania
Waziri Mkuu Kassim Majaliwa amesema serikali itaendelea kuwawezesha wachimbaji wadogo kwa kutenga maeneo maalum kwa ajili yao na kutoa huduma za tafiti kwa gharama nafuu.
Waziri Mkuu Kassim Majaliwa amesema serikali itaendelea kuwawezesha wachimbaji wadogo kwa kutenga maeneo maalum kwa ajili yao na kutoa huduma za tafiti kwa gharama nafuu.
Wafanyakazi wa uokoaji wamefanya kazi usiku na mchana kutafuta manusura wowote waliosalia kati ya matope na mabaki baada ya mafuriko…
Severe drought risks pushing nearly half of Somali children under five into acute malnutrition this year, with hundreds of thousands…
Mummification was common practice by ancient Egyptians.
Making Carbon Trade work for Africa needs an urgent new perspective. A new narrative for carbon trade in Africa is needed like yesterday. All actors engaged in the carbon trade arena need to have “selectiveness” and “green pandemic recovery” as the foundational premise informing their investment or partnerships decisions.
“To achieve the expected results for Africa at COP27, it is imperative that we develop a strong and well-coordinated Common African Position, and that we formulate a set of robust key messages that encapsulate Africa’s aspirations,”
To bridge the continent’s productivity deficit and meet the needs of its burgeoning population, many agritech companies have emerged across Africa.
The aviation industry has an impact on climate change, and with that comes responsibility to drive change within the industry.
WFP says water and grazing land is in short supply and forecasts of below-average rainfall in coming months only threaten more misery.
Mvua haijanyesha katika misimu ya mvua mitatu mfululizo huku eneo hilo likishuhudia hali ya ukame mbaya zaidi tangu 1981, shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa lilisema.