Japan court orders ‘Moonies’ Church to be stripped of legal recognition
The Church is accused of pressuring followers into making life-ruining donations, and blamed for child neglect among its members — although it has denied any wrongdoing.
The Church is accused of pressuring followers into making life-ruining donations, and blamed for child neglect among its members — although it has denied any wrongdoing.
Conversations around female sexuality are considered taboo in India, especially with married women who are expected to prioritise their husbands and children over themselves.
Shirika la Haki za Binadamu la Human Rights Watch (HRW) limeiomba Serikali ya Kenya kumaliza uchunguzi kuhusu miili iliyoharibiwa iliyopatikana kwenye mgodi mwaka jana, na kushughulikia madai kwamba polisi walizuia juhudi za kuchukua miili hiyo.
Big names in gaming such as France’s Ubisoft (publisher of the “Assassin’s Creed” saga) or US-based Activision Blizzard (“Call of Duty”) have seen women come forward about sexist behaviour in the workplace in recent years.
The killing of the Japanese woman in late January was later declared a murder, but only after an uproar when a women’s rights organisation revealed that the 43-year-old had reached out to them about her abusive ex-husband.
They warned such a move would “risk exacerbating the ongoing conflict in Sudan, fragmenting the country, and worsening an already dire humanitarian situation”.
UNICEF imebaini kuwa kesi 221 za ubakaji dhidi ya watoto zimeripotiwa rasmi tangu mwanzo wa mwaka 2024, lakini idadi halisi inaweza kuwa kubwa zaidi. Waathiriwa ni pamoja na wavulana na wasichana, ambapo theluthi moja ya waathiriwa ni wavulana.
Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu Jijini Dar es salaam imemuachilia huru Dkt. Wilbord Slaa(76) baada ya Mkurugenzi wa Mashtaka nchini DPP kueleza kuwa hana nia ya kuendelea na shauri hilo.
The arrest on Monday of Blessed Mhlanga, a high-profile journalist with the online Heart and Soul Television channel (HStv), has sparked new criticism of the government’s intolerance of media freedom and opposition.
Maandamano hayo ya amani, yaliyoandaliwa na Amnesty International Kenya, Vocal Africa, na mashirika mengine ya kijamii, yalianzia Aga Khan Walk, Nairobi CBD, na kuelekea Bunge la Kenya na Ubalozi wa Uganda.